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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Office of Disability Resources Vital to Community, Institution

Editorial Board October 6, 2017

As significant budget constraints threaten to jeopardize everyday aspects of campus life, the Oberlin community has rallied around the Office of Disability Resources — an office that a large number of...

Student Representation Essential, Not Radical

Thobeka Mnisi, Contributing Writer October 6, 2017

This article is part of the Review’s Student Senate column. In an effort to increase communication and transparency, Student Senators will provide personal perspectives on recent events on campus and...

Oberlin Voters Must Evaluate Building Proposal Carefully

Jim Walsh, Professor of Mathematics October 6, 2017

To the Editors: Kudos to the Review for reporting on local town issues, namely the desire of Oberlin city school officials to have a new building built at a cost to taxpayers of $36 million. Any attempt...

Voting Rights Crucial to America’s Future

Alice Koeninger, Arts Senior Staff Writer October 6, 2017

Over the past nine months, the American Civil Liberties Union has taken a prominent role in fighting the Trump administration’s attempts to oppress marginalized communities across the country. Many of...

Singleton Provides Honest, Committed Council Candidate

Marianne Caldwell, Oberlin Resident October 6, 2017

To the Editors: Kelley Singleton deserves to be reelected to Oberlin City Council. As a registered Oberlin voter and one that attends most council meetings, I have been impressed by Kelley’s efforts...

Environmental Work Sets Adelman Apart

Yael Reichler, OC ’19 October 6, 2017

To the Editors: Election day is Nov. 7. It is important that those of us students who vote in Oberlin learn more about the experience, goals, and passions of the candidates for City Council. I’d like...

Rimbert, Jindra Provide Leadership Experience

Jean Foggo Simmon, Retired City Clerk/Clerk of Council October 6, 2017

To the Editors: I write in support of both Ronnie Rimbert and Bill Jindra’s bids for Oberlin City Council in this next election. Both men have prior service on the council and have proven themselves...

Still Not Done?

Still Not Done?

Shea Sion, Contributor October 6, 2017

Plant-Rich Diet, Carbon Fee Key to Fighting Climate Change

John Sabin, Volunteer Group Leader; Oberlin Chapter, Citizens’ Climate Lobby October 6, 2017

To the Editors: I appreciated Sheridan Blitz’s piece on the values of veganism, “Veganism Offers Sustainable Choice” (The Oberlin Review, Sept. 29, 2017). Paul Hawken’s book, Drawdown, lists “the...

Anthem Supports False Narrative of Freedom

Kennedy Kline and Ua Hayes September 29, 2017

When our field hockey team stood for the national anthem Saturday, it didn’t feel right. We didn’t feel proud to be standing for America because we didn’t feel that America offers anything...

Communication, Coalition-Building Among Student Senate’s Priorities

Hanne Williams-Baron, Contributing Writer September 29, 2017

This article is part of the Review’s Student Senate column. In an effort to increase communication and transparency, Student Senators will provide personal perspectives on recent events on campus...

Balanced Gender Representation Promotes Better Government

Ezra Andres-Tysch, Contributing Writer September 29, 2017

Oberlin continued its dedication to civic participation, political activism, and social justice Tuesday as college students, faculty, and Oberlin residents lined up outside of Wilder 101 to hear...

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