Security Report: Sept. 19 – Sept. 25, 2013



 Thursday, Sept. 19

 2:27 p.m. Staff at Philips gym reported a missing folding chair from an office on the first floor. It is a black padded chair reportedly valued at $125 with red and yellow lettering on the seat and back.

5 p.m. A Firelands Apartments resident reported an odor of natural gas on the first floor. Officers, members the Oberlin Fire Department, an HVAC technician and members from Columbia Gas responded. The possible source of the smell was a burner control knob partially open on a two-burner stove.

Friday, Sept. 20

8:34 p.m. A resident of Firelands Apartments reported witnessing numerous flies emerge from the exhaust fan above the stove in his apartment. A maintenance technician and plumber responded, and all gas lines were checked. No leaks were located.

 7:58 p.m. Officers were requested to assist a student who fainted in Baldwin Cottage. The student believed it was a result of donating blood earlier. The student told officers she was okay and was transported to her dorm room.

Saturday, Sept. 21

9:59 a.m.  Officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at the Oberlin Inn. A patron activated the alarm by smoking in the room.

4:16 p.m. A student reported that a large window fell out of the frame and shattered on the third floor of South Hall. A maintenance technician responded to repair the window frame, and custodial staff cleaned up the glass.

Sunday, Sept. 22

12:04 a.m. Officers responded to a noise and unauthorized party complaint at a Goldsmith apartment. The live band was shut down and attendees were asked to leave.

 1:03 a.m. Officers responded to a report that a window had broken in East Hall. A resident observed four males outside the room at the time the glass shattered. The incident is currently under investigation.

5:59 p.m. Officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm on the second floor of Langston Hall. Smoke from a burnt grilled cheese activated the alarm. The area was cleared and the alarm was reset.

10:34 p.m. Officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm on the second floor of South Hall. Smoke from a dirty oven activated the alarm.

Monday, Sept. 23

8 a.m. Members of the custodial staff reported a round wooden table and three padded wooden chairs missing from the first floor lounge of Fairchild House.

4:34 p.m. Officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm on the third floor of Burton Hall. An unattended candle activated the alarm. The candle, lighter fluid, matches and glass pipe — which were all in plain view — were confiscated. The alarm was reset.

Tuesday, Sept. 24

 4:18 p.m. Reports of individuals perpetrating scams through Oberlin Classifieds were reported to both Safety and Security and the Oberlin Police Department.

6:40 p.m. Officers were requested to assist a student who both twisted her ankle and hit her head after falling down the steps at Dascomb Hall. The student was transported by ambulance to Mercy Allen Hospital.

11:53 p.m.  Several residents of Saunders House reported a loss of electricity. Facilities Operations staff members were contacted to address the problem.