The constituents of Oberlin voted in favor of depositing revenue made through Renewable Energy Credits into a Sustainable Reserve Program in Tuesday’s election.
Oberlin earns RECs by utilitzing renewable...
The College sent a memo to all faculty members announcing the launch of a new buyout last Tuesday. Unlike the 2016 program — the Voluntary Separation Incentive Package, which was directed at all College...
Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017
4:00 a.m. Safety and Security officers assisted a student, ill from alcohol consumption, in Langston Hall. The student was conscious, answered all questions, and said they would...
Linda Slocum has lived in Oberlin for 27 years and served one term as vice-president on Oberlin City Council. She graduated with a B.A. from Ursinus College and a M.A. from the University of Massachusetts...
After informing all College department chairs over a month ago that there would be a temporary freeze on permanent hires, the administration has reinstated two of the five tenure-track faculty searches...
The Office of Disability Resources is searching for a permanent director to fill the position after Isabella Moreno’s abrupt departure in early October. Meanwhile, Assistant Dean Monique Burgdorf has...
An impressive array of writers, politicians, educators, and national leaders will convene at The Hotel at Oberlin for a private conference in a couple of weeks to address contentious issues concerning...
Devyn Malouf, Production Manager
• November 3, 2017
Despite the Oberlin Police Department’s announcement in August to hire Elyria Police Officer Clarence “Ryan” Warfield as its new police chief, that desk still remains empty. Warfield has yet to accept...
City Council held an emergency meeting Saturday, deciding to reject a $3,500 offer from NEXUS for means of access. The offer would have given NEXUS the legal right to use city property without owning it,...
College sophomore Alyssa Altheimer speaks to students about her project titled “The Effect of HMB on C2C12 Cells” at the Celebration of Undergraduate Research. The celebration — which included two...
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017
1:31 a.m. A student reported a confrontation with a man taking his bike from the Wright Laboratory of Physics at approximately 1 a.m. When the student approached the individual,...
Vershawn Ashanti Young is an associate professor in the Department of Drama and Speech Communication at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario. Young is a pioneer in the field of sociolinguistic...