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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

The Career Development Center recently moved into the newly-renovated Center for Engaged Liberal Arts.

Career Center Welcomes New Executive Director, Moves to CELA

Sofia Tomasic, Senior Staff Writer April 22, 2022

The Career Development Center recently welcomed Anthony Pernell-McGee as its new executive director. Pernell-McGee replaces former Executive Director Dana Hamdan, who stepped down from her position last...

Students Form New POC Identity-Based Group

Nikki Keating, Editor-in-Chief April 22, 2022

Members of Oberlin’s identity organizations are collaborating to start a POC Coalition on campus. Students originally came up with this idea to create a safe space where students of color could discuss...

Litigation Update

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief April 22, 2022

Two lawsuits with Oberlin College as a named defendant — the 2019 Gibson’s Bakery suit and a 2020 hiring discrimination suit filed by former Dance professor Alice Blumenfeld — have progressed this...

Julian Mitchell-Israel

Julian Mitchell-Israel, OC ’21, Talks Organizing Amazon Labor Union and Post-Oberlin Life

Emily Vaughan, Opinions Editor April 22, 2022

Julian Mitchell-Israel, OC ’21, is the field director for the Amazon Labor Union, an independent union that recently won the first Amazon union election in the United States. He studied at Oberlin and...

In March and April, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion administered a survey to students to gather data on sexual misconduct and violence.

Oberlin Completes 2022 Campus Climate Survey

Ella Moxley, News Editor April 22, 2022

Editor’s note: This article discusses anti-Black racism and sexual assault. Last week, the College finished circulating its fourth Higher Education Data Sharing Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey....

Security Report

April 22, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022 5:31 p.m. Campus Safety officers and Oberlin Fire Department members responded to a fire alarm at a Union Street Housing Unit. Overheated oil created smoke, activating the fire...

Oberlin City Council unanimously voted against a rule that would increase regulations on short-term rental properties.

City Council Plans to Address Affordable Housing, Short-Term Rentals

Kush Bulmer, News Editor March 25, 2022

City Council unanimously voted in a March 7 meeting to shelve proposed regulatory changes that would have required short-term rentals to register with the City and adhere to safety inspections...

College Loosens Mask Requirement

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief March 25, 2022

This morning, the College released its plan to gradually shift to a mask-optional campus. Starting March 28, masks will not be required in exercise facilities. On April 21, wearing masks will be...

The College has made changes to operational efficiency as part of the implementation of One Oberlin.

One Oberlin Implements Operational Efficiency Strategies

Kushagra Kar, Editor-in-Chief March 25, 2022

Nearing the three-year anniversary of the College’s Academic Administrative Program Review, the administration submitted a situation report on the project to the Board of Trustees during their...

David Nasr-Zalubovsky

David Nasr-Zalubovsky on Organizing Support for Ukraine

Lia Fawley, Production Manager March 25, 2022

Conservatory third-year David Nasr- Zalubovsky is a violin major who grew up in Ukraine and came to the United States when he was 16 years old for a gap year after high school. Recently, he has...

Congress recently passed the FAFSA Simplification Act which will change the formula for how aid is calculated. Changes will not go into effect until the 2024-205 academic year.

Congress Simplifies FAFSA as Pressure Grows to Address Student Loan Crisis

Ella Moxley, News Editor March 25, 2022

In a spending bill earlier passed earlier this month, Congress made several changes to how students pay for higher education — delaying the implementation of the Free Application for Federal...

The Office of Undergraduate Research’s new initiative, Oberlin Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, gives students the opportunity to conduct quantitative research.

Office of Undergraduate Research Announces New Summer Research Program

Lauren Krainess, Contributing News Editor March 25, 2022

Last week, the Office of Undergraduate Research announced the launch of the Oberlin Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, a new research program in which participants stay on campus over the...

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