Survivors of Sexual Harm & Allies held their second annual Take Back the Night event in Tappan Square last Saturday. The event gave space for survivors and allies to gather and was made up...
Thursday, April 28, 2022
11:05 a.m. A student requested transport to Mercy Allen Hospital from Harvey House after they sustained a head injury. A Campus Safety officer responded and...
Mercy Health – Allen Hospital welcomed Carrie Jankowski as its new president in January 2022. Jankowski hopes to increase community involvement and outreach in her new position.
As Oberlin settles into spring, patrons at local businesses can expect several changes downtown. A new business will open soon in the former Black River Cafe, and The Arb at Tappan Square has changed locations...
Last week, Michael Peters, cofounder of electric carshare service Sway Mobility, presented data on the program’s use to the Oberlin City Council. The data revealed that the program has experienced low...
Sundance, a member of the Muscogee (Creek) people, is the executive director of the Cleveland American Indian Movement and the business coordinator for the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association. On April...
Last week, Oberlin City Schools announced that it will expand its preschool program from four days a week to five for the 2022–23 academic year. OCS officials hope this decision will grant children greater...
Former Oberlin City Council President Heather Adelman joined Oberlin College as its new sustainability manager Monday. To avoid a conflict of interest, Adelman announced her resignation from City Council...
Ohio Updates
COVID-19 cases are slowly rising again in Ohio. Between April 1 and April 28, the state recorded 20,759 new cases, 585 hospitalizations, and 55 deaths. There has been a daily average of 1,247...
Thursday, April 21, 2022
1:51 p.m. Campus Safety officers observed that the lettering on the “Welcome to Campus Safety” sign located in the lobby of the Campus Safety Office displayed profanity....
This week, the Council of Chief State School Officers named Oberlin High School history teacher Kurt Russell as the National Teacher of the Year 2022. To celebrate his accomplishment, teachers, students,...
On Wednesday, the College announced that it would loosen its mask mandate by making masks optional in dorms and residential areas. Less than 48 hours after the announcement, the College reversed the decision...