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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Recent Bike Accidents Prompt Messages of Caution

Lauren Krainess, Staff Writer November 12, 2021

Three bicycle accidents involving and injuring students have been reported to Campus Safety this semester, with two occuring in the last week. These accidents took place at various locations on campus,...

Bryan Burgess On His Return to City Council

Isaac Kucher, Production Editor November 12, 2021

Former President of City Council Bryan Burgess was re-elected as a City councilmember on Nov. 2 following a two-year hiatus from the position. Burgess took the hiatus after exhausting his term...

New Internship Commitment Promises Students $5,000

New Internship Commitment Promises Students $5,000

Erika Scharf November 12, 2021

The College recently introduced a new commitment scholarship for incoming students, which will go into effect in fall 2022. The scholarship includes up to $5,000 in financial support for summer...

Security Report

November 12, 2021

Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021 3:04 p.m. A student reported the theft of their laptop from Azariah’s Café between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on Nov. 3. The laptop is an HP Envy x360 with a green alien...

Protesters gathered by the Memorial Arch in Tappan Square on Tuesday to protest against Professor of Religion
Mohammad Jafar Mahallati for alleged complicity in 1988 mass killings of political and religious prisoners in Iran.

Protesters Call for Firing of Professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor November 5, 2021

Protesters from across the country gathered at the Memorial Arch in Tappan Square on Tuesday to call for action against a College professor accused of involvement in covering up 1988 mass political killings...

College third-year and SOSHA leader Jenna Frizzell poses in
front of a chalkboard that has the guiding questions for last
Thursday’s Survivors of Sexual Harm & Allies forum.

SOSHA Forum Sparks Dialogue on Campus Culture Surrounding Sexual Harm

Lauren Krainess November 5, 2021

Editor’s note: This article mentions sexual harm. Oberlin student group Survivors of Sexual Harm & Allies hosted a forum on Thursday, Oct. 28 to address sexual violence in light of recent Yik...

Students gather in Dye Lecture Hall for the Student Labor Action Coalition’s Endowment Talk on Tuesday.

SLAC Hosts Endowment Talk

Eric Schank, Production Editor & Senior Staff Writer November 5, 2021

This past Tuesday, the Student Labor Action Coalition invited two financial experts and members of the 1833 Just Transition Fund, Kelly Grotke, OC ’89 and Kris Raab, OC ’89, to present research from...

Letter from Professor Mahallati to Dean Kamitsuka

November 5, 2021

Editor’s note: The following is a letter that Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, professor of Religion and Nancy Schrom Dye Chair in Middle East and North African Studies, wrote to Dean of the College...

Israel-Palestine Winter Term Trip Creates Opportunities, Sparks Controversies

Walter Thomas-Patterson, Conservatory Editor November 5, 2021

Over the last two weeks, controversy has developed over a Winter Term trip originally titled “Bridging the Gap: Israel.” In response to a petition with nearly 600 signatures created by Students for...

Eboni Johnson, College Librarian, Enters City Council

Eboni Johnson, College Librarian, Enters City Council

Isaac Kucher, Production Editor November 5, 2021

On Tuesday, Eboni A. Johnson, outreach and programming librarian at Oberlin College Libraries, was elected to Oberlin City Council in an uncontested election, winning a narrow plurality of the...

Security Report

November 5, 2021

Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021 11:02 a.m. A student reported the theft of their bicycle from the bike rack north of Fairchild House. The bicycle, a silver, men’s Giant, 21-speed, was secured at the time...

COVID-19 Update

November 5, 2021

Lorain County Updates Lorain County’s COVID-19 caseload has been decreasing over the last month. From Oct. 7 to Nov. 4, the county reported 2,698 positive cases and 131 hospitalizations. Lorain...

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