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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Students in a lab in the Science Center. The Office of Undergraduate Research supports students who hope to pursue faculty-guided research.

Office of Undergraduate Research Provides Unique Opportunities for Students

Ella Moxley, News Editor February 28, 2020

The cornerstone of many students’ undergraduate careers is the opportunity to pursue independent research while guided by faculty members who are experts in their fields. The Office of Undergraduate...

Security Notebook

February 28, 2020

Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020 7:25 p.m. Campus Safety officers and the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at Asia House. Smoke from burnt cheese had activated the alarm. The area was cleared,...

Aaron Zitner

OTC: Aaron Zitner, OC ’84, News Editor, The Wall Street Journal

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief February 28, 2020

Aaron Zitner, OC ’84, is a news editor at the Wall Street Journal whose work focuses on using data to tell stories about politics and trends in America. He uses mediums such as video and interactive...

Hundreds of students protested President Carmen Twillie Ambar’s recent announcement that the College is “formally considering” contracting with outside vendors, potentially cutting 108 United Automobile Workers union jobs, in the King Building Wednesday.

College “Considering” Outsourcing Dining, Custodial Services

Nathan Carpenter, Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2020

Employees in Oberlin’s chapter of the United Automobile Workers union are reeling after a Tuesday afternoon email from President Carmen Twillie Ambar to the campus community announced that the College...

Members of Oberlin’s #VotingIsSexy initiative gather to prepare for the March 17 Ohio presidential primary.

#VotingIsSexy Initiative Hopes to Engage Students

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor February 21, 2020

In light of a perceived lack of voter participation among Oberlin students, College fourth-year Eli Kirshner and others saw Ohio’s upcoming presidential primary on March 17 as an opportunity to start...

Rani Molla

Rani Molla, OC ’08, Vox and Recode Data Journalist

Nathan Carpenter and Gigi Ewing February 21, 2020

Rani Molla, OC ’08, is senior data reporter for Vox and Recode. Her work involves using data, charts, and figures to explain complex tech stories in simple terms. Next week, Molla will visit campus as...

Security Report

February 21, 2020

Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 1:15 p.m. A student reported the theft of several items from their jacket pocket while at The ’Sco on Feb. 12. The jacket was left on a bench inside The ’Sco. Lost items included...

Third World Co-op

Halted Survey Sparks OSCA Concerns

Katie Lucey, News Editor February 14, 2020

A proposed survey designed to assess the co-curricular value of the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association and other campus residential experiences was not sent out to students and alumni last July, as...

Karega Settles Lawsuit Against College

Katherine MacPhail, Editor-in-Chief February 14, 2020

The 2018 lawsuit that Joy Karega, former assistant professor of Rhetoric and Composition, filed against Oberlin College was settled Jan. 31. Karega was dismissed after posts on her personal social media...

Students eat DeCafe meals in Rathskeller. Previously, Rathskeller was home to Oberlin’s Fourth Meal. Now, Fourth Meal is only available as premade to-go food purchased at DeCafe.

Fourth Meal Changes Greeted By Student Pushback

Alexa Stevens, News Editor February 14, 2020

As of this semester, Fourth Meal — previously served buffet-style in the Rathskeller — is now being served in DeCafé in to-go boxes. Students can now purchase Fourth Meal the same way as all DeCafé...

The site plan for a new school building on N Pleasant St. in Oberlin. The new building will consolidate Oberlin’s four public schools, creating a space for students PK–12.

School Construction Concerns Residents; District Maintains All Is Well

Nathan Carpenter, Editor-in-Chief February 14, 2020

As Phase I construction on Oberlin City Schools’ new combined school facility continues, district and school board leadership maintain that the project is proceeding on schedule and on budget, despite...

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