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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Humanities Majors Must Gain Foothold in Workforce

The Editorial Board November 8, 2013

Last week The New York Times published an article citing declining in- terest in the humanities at colleges across the nation. Quoting faculty from Stanford and Harvard, as well as our fellow small liberal...

Tobacco-Free Policy Would Reaffirm Campus Values

Machmud Makhmudov, Contributing Writer November 8, 2013

Last week, The Oberlin Review published an article titled “Campus Divided over Tobacco Ban” (Nov. 1, 2013). As a member of the team working to implement a tobacco-free campus, I would like to take...

Students Question Right to Vote in Oberlin

Elizabeth Kuhr, Contributing Writer November 8, 2013

The public gathered at district voting booths on Nov. 5 to elect a series of local and state candidates and vote on pertinent bill proposals, including the now-passed Community Bill of Rights that prohibits...

“Anarchist” Misused in Recent Column

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief November 8, 2013

To the Editors: I’m writing to object to Sean Para’s use of the word “anarchist” in his column last week absolving the United States government of its crimes and general incompetence (“Recent...

Clarification of Oct. 11 Gun Control Letter

David Ashenhurst, Oberlin Resident November 8, 2013

To the Editors: I am sorry to read that my letter in the Oct. 11 Review left Ms. Broadwell “a bit confused” (“Ashenhurst’s Letter Requires Clarification,” The Oberlin Review, Nov. 1, 2013)....

Death Penalty Discriminatory, Costly, Ineffective

Aaron Pressman, Contributing Writer November 8, 2013

There once was a man named Troy Davis. Davis was convicted of murdering a police officer and was sentenced to death in 1991. After 20 years of imprisonment and awaiting death, Davis was finally executed...

U.S. Drone Strikes Fight Terror with Terror

Sam White, Contributing Writer November 8, 2013

Peace does not come from the barrel of a gun, however much those in power try to tell us otherwise. Missiles fired from U.S. drones, a constant and fear-inspiring threat for people living otherwise peaceful...

Sunny with a Chance of Cynicism: Gravity Inspires Anxiety

Libby Salemi, Columnist November 8, 2013

Over fall break, my parents and I visited my older brother in Ann Arbor for a fun little lunch date. As per usual, we discussed all the normal things families discuss: football, the weather and what movies...

Inequality in U.S. Wealth Distribution Must Be Addressed

Sean Para, Columnist November 8, 2013

Inequality is a serious problem in our country. The poverty rate in the United States is 15 percent, meaning 46.5 million people live in poverty in our country. Fourteen and a half percent of the country...

Recent Events Have Defined Our Government’s Limits

Sean Para, Columnist November 1, 2013

The American government has not been doing very well recently. Extensive failures of the government’s online healthcare exchange,, served as a sad backdrop to the budget and debt crisis....

ELC Board Expresses Support for Student Coalition at Trustee Forum

The ELC Board November 1, 2013

To the Editors: The Board of the Edmonia Lewis Center for Women and Trans* People would like to express our support for the following demands made by the student coalition at the Trustee Forum on Oct....

Critique of the Laffer/Bernstein Coverage

Jade Schiff November 1, 2013

To the Editors: One of the most effective tools of political persuasion is to convince an audience of one’s neutrality. One of the most important things that media outlets can do is to expose partisanship...

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