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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Student Senate Update: Nov. 24

Emma Snape, Secretary of Student Senate November 22, 2013

This week, Student Senate is proud to announce that we stand with the students of The City College of New York as they fight for their rights as students, including their right to retain the Guillermo...

Buser’s Column Stolen from Grape Office

Maxwell Cohn, Editor-in-Chief of The Grape November 22, 2013

I enjoyed reading last week’s column on computer recycling at Oberlin (“Computer Recycling Thrives on Campus, for Now,” The Oberlin Review, Nov. 15, 2013) written by Mr. Paul Buser. Well researched...

Healthcare for the Poor Part of Protecting American Values

Booker Peek, Professor Emeritus, Africana Studies November 22, 2013

Dear Editors, Many agree with former Vice President Dick Cheney that we have the world's most awesome military, one that is more powerful than those of Russia and China combined. And Dick Cheney argues...

Tobacco-Free Campus Infringes on Freedoms

Aaron Pressman, Contributing Writer November 15, 2013

With controversy on the rise regarding the Student Senate bill that would ban tobacco on campus, I would like to respond to Machmud Makhmudov’s commentary piece titled (“Tobacco-Free Policy Would Reaffirm...

Disaster in Philippines Exposes Structural Problems in Relief Effort

Sean Para, Columnist November 15, 2013

The typhoon that decimated the central Philippines last week is but the newest and most urgent reminder about the growing realities global society will have to confront in the face of climate change. At...

Computer Recycling Thrives, For Now

Paul Buser, Contributing Writer November 15, 2013

With new iMacs in Mudd library and computer labs around campus, where do the old ones go? I’m talking about the the ones that are almost as flat as the new ones, and just as functional. I followed these...

Philippines Aid Must Include Climate Change Action

Sam White, Contributing Writer November 15, 2013

Today marks the fifth day of a hunger strike led by Yeb Saño, Philippine delegate to the United Nations’ climate talks in Warsaw, Poland. In an emotional appeal on Monday, Saño expressed the grief...

Administration Fails to Understand Orr’s Call to Action

Isaac Hollander McCreery November 15, 2013

To the Editors: I’m sitting in Azariah’s Café. The snow from a few days ago still lingers, as the leaves reach the peak of their falling. Soon there will be no more, and the ground will be blanketed...

Turnover Muddles Collective Memory

The Editorial Board November 15, 2013

Prospective students have descended upon campus in the past few weeks to determine if Oberlin is the school at which they can imagine spending four formative years. The perception these impressionable...

Senators Want to Destroy Chance of Peace with Iran

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief November 15, 2013

The last couple of weeks have been a blizzard of diplomatic activity. For the first time since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart, Mohammed Javad Zarif,...

Kiss My Sass: Interim Wastes Valuable Co-op Bonding Time

Sophia Ottoni-Wilhelm, Opinions Editor November 8, 2013

When I joined a co-op last year, I was really excited to break free of the athlete-oriented culture I had been immersed in during my glorious and short stint playing varsity soccer. I couldn’t wait to...

Senate Adds to Tobacco Ban Article

Student Senate November 8, 2013

To the Editors: Student Senate would like to take the opportunity to correct a few inaccuracies in the recent Review article (“Campus Divided over To- bacco Ban,” The Oberlin Review, Nov. 1, 2013)....

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