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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Editorial: The Laramie Project Potent Meditation on Community

Willa Rubin, Staff Writer April 26, 2013

The Laramie Project, written by Moisés Kaufman and various members of the New York–based Tectonic Theater Project, chronicles the response of small town Laramie, WY, to the murder of Matthew Shepard....

Senate Working Groups

Student Senate April 26, 2013

The Oberlin Transparency Working Group – Chair: Eliza Diop The Oberlin Transparency Working Group looks to increase transparency between administration, staff, faculty and students in areas of finance,...

Just Reach Across the Aisle Already

Sean Para, Columnist April 19, 2013

The American political community needs to return to a consensus on political issues. Partisanship has fractured the political spectrum to such a degree that effective decision-making is much more difficult...

Student Senate Reports on Working Groups

Eliza Diop, Liaison to the Student Senate April 19, 2013

The new group of Student Senators had their first plenary February 24. Since then, as the Liaison to the Student Senate, I can say that the journey the Senators have traveled and the experiences we underwent...

Student Senate Update

Student Senate April 19, 2013

Applications to join the Student Finance Committee for the 2013-2014 school year are currently available and are due on April 21. Please either check your OCMail account for an application or email [email protected]...

Progressives, Ron Paul Just Isn’t That into You

Will Rubenstein April 19, 2013

Oberlin, we need to talk. I know that since you’ve gotten to know Ron Paul, your time with him has seemed absolutely dreamy — especially because your past history with candidates for federal elected...

Student Senate Reports on Working Groups

Student Senate April 19, 2013

Student-Trustee Relations Working Group Chair: James Foust The Student-Trustee Relations Working Group has had a great start to its semester. The Trustee Forum, Trustee Listening Session and trustee...

OPIRG Ready to Start in New Direction

OPIRG Board of Directors April 19, 2013

To the Editors: From April 8 to 10, Oberlin students couldn’t move through Wilder Bowl without hearing, “Hey, have you signed the Ohio PIRG petition?” Then ... there was nothing. What happened...

Dear Science

Nicole Le, Columnist April 19, 2013

Dear Science, How come my girlfriend and her friends are all... uh, “synced up”? Girl physiology got you down? Well, it shouldn’t, because this is a cool little bit of biology that will make you...

Failure of Gun Control Bill a National Embarrassment

The Editorial Board April 19, 2013

Even in an age when Congress has a lower approval rating than most reality television stars, this has to move the needle even ever so slightly, doesn’t it? The gun control legislation inspired by...

I’m Not a Farmer: Why Should I Care About the Farm Bill?

Erin Swenson-Klatt, Contributing Writer April 12, 2013

In simple terms: Because you eat, and the Farm Bill affects the food in every community, school and grocery store in the United States, along with our regional economies, international trade and agriculture...

Update from Student Senate

Student Senate April 12, 2013

The Office of the President has donated $5,000 to the creation of a Community-Building Fund for the Oberlin College Community. If you have suggestions as to how this money should be allocated, please contact...

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