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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

No Need To Agree With Me: Thoughts on the Oberlin College Black History Celebration

Lisa Mon’a Brown, Columnist February 18, 2011

Our generation seems to be completely disconnected to its history. Fewer than 50 years ago, several restrictive laws that had banned interracial marriages, segregated bus passengers and enforced residential...

Organizations Should Pay In Lieu of Taxes

Tony Mealy February 18, 2011

To the Editors: Oberlin Schools and the city of Oberlin, like many other communities throughout Ohio, are experiencing budget shortfalls due to bad economic times. Payments in Lieu of Taxes is negotiated...

Paying The Rent With A Liberal Arts Degree

Beatrice Rothbaum, Editor-In-Chief February 11, 2011

In times of economic uncertainty, it makes sense to question big investments, particularly those with no immediate benefit and dubious long-term returns. And so, once again, the debate over the value of...

No Teacher Left Behind

Monica Klein, Opinions Editor February 11, 2011

In his State of the Union Speech on Jan. 27, President Obama asked us (or, those of us who are unemployed and currently searching for post-collegiate jobs) to enter the academic sector. “Become a teacher!”...

Deans Address Recent YSU Shooting

Linda Gates, Molly Tyson, and Marjorie Burton February 11, 2011

To the Editors: An Associated Press news story this past weekend reported a death and several injuries at Youngstown State University, a college community of less than 15,000 students in a city near...

Oberlin: A Spa for the Soul

Raquel Olivo February 11, 2011

To the Editors: I attended my first Alumni Council Executive Board meeting in November, and was struck by a comment made by my colleague Cindy Brown, who chairs the Nominations Committee. Cindy described...

Al Jazeeras’s Moment

The Editorial Board February 11, 2011

Al Jazeera, the Qatari satellite broadcaster that has served as the voice for Arab discontent since its founding in 1996, is having a busy winter. Unlike most Middle-Eastern media, the majority of...

Mubarak Vs. The Muslim Brotherhood: Pigeonholing the Debate

George Berry February 11, 2011

The discussion in the major American media sources concerning the protests in Egypt has been strange to watch. The Obama administration has certainly clouded the debate by taking contradictory positions...

Beyond Jon Stewart: Escaping Democratic Centrism And Finding a New Left

Shannon Ikebe February 11, 2011

“Why would you work with Marxists actively subverting our Constitution?” So rhetorically posed Jon Stewart at the “Rally to Restore Sanity” last October. As an activist of the Marxist persuation,...

Celebrating Latino/a Heritage Month

Lorri Olan December 11, 2009

To the Editors: Oberlin is a wonderful place to come of age. It attracts students and faculty with broad interests, strengths and gifts. Students grapple with issues of identity and purpose, explore...

OSCA Policy Addresses ResEd Housing Issues

The OSCA Board of Directors December 11, 2009

Last week the OSCA board passed a historic proposal affirming every student’s right to safe and comfortable housing. Transgender and gender-variant students who are having significant, unresolvable issues...

Famous for Being Famous: Considering the Celebutante

Alanna Bennett December 11, 2009

It all began with Paris Hilton. With her inception into the Celebutante Hall of Fame in the early 2000s, Paris and her fellow socialites opened a door, spawning a sort of movement among the celebrity-wannabes...

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