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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Students Should Engage in Secretary of State Race

Nathan Carpenter, Editor-in-Chief April 20, 2018

Almost immediately following President Donald Trump’s election in November 2016, political commentators and activists — particularly those on the left — turned their attention toward the 2018 elections. We...

Stevens Strategy Poses Potential Threat to Job Security, Program Funding

Matthew Senior and Marc Blecher April 13, 2018

Editor’s Note: The following is a version of a letter posted to the faculty listserv and sent to President Ambar and faculty by Professor of Politics and East Asian Studies Marc Blecher in collaboration...

Sachs Touts Distorted Realities, Childish Arguments

Lucille Eleanor Nguyen April 13, 2018

Howard Sachs’ article, “American College System Destroys Real Liberalism,” (The Oberlin Review, April 6, 2018) challenges the widely held opinions on this campus and the general state of higher education,...

Union Victory Provides Dignity to All Workers

Chris Howell April 13, 2018

To the Editors: One of the dispiriting things about Oberlin College is the disjunction between the analytical tools and burning social justice values that we teach and discuss in class, and the application...

OCOPE Resolutions Indicate Larger Issues in Community

Tracy Tucker April 13, 2018

To the Editors: Many people have asked what caused Oberlin College Office and Professional Employees to file charges with the National Labor Relations Board and take grievances to arbitration. Simply...

Current Title IX Regulations Deny Accused Students Fundamental Rights

Duncan Reid April 13, 2018

April is Consent Month at Oberlin. I think extremely highly of those who work in the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and work to raise awareness about consent and sexual misconduct. However,...

Education, Dialogue Needed to Address Gendered Violence

Colin Roshak April 13, 2018

Editor’s note: This article contains discussion of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Around this time last year, while walking through the Conservatory after class, I came across a note taped to...

College Must Include Staff Input During Restructuring Process

Michael Kennedy April 13, 2018

As co-chair and former treasurer of Oberlin’s Student Labor Action Coalition, I have met regularly with representatives from Oberlin’s United Auto Workers and Oberlin College Office and Professional...

Ambar Must Address AAPR Faculty Concerns

Editorial Board April 13, 2018

For the third time this academic year, the Review is publishing in full a letter originally sent to faculty and staff with grave concerns about Oberlin’s financial situation and how to respond to it...

Karpatkin’s Letter Maintains Hypocrisies, False Accusations

Daniel Markus, Managing Editor April 6, 2018

In recent weeks, the Review has published numerous pieces regarding gun control in the wake of the murder of 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, by Nikolas Cruz. Initially,...

Increasing Medical Marijuana Accessibility Would Help Fight Opioid Epidemic

Editorial Board April 6, 2018

President Trump gave a speech on March 29 in Richfield, Ohio, that, among other topics, tapped into a conversation which hits home for many Ohioans: opioid addiction. As of December 2016, Ohio’s opioid-related...

Martin Luther King’s Dream Continues to Be Misrepresented

Kameron Dunbar, Columnist April 6, 2018

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man on a noble quest for justice, righteousness, and peace. Many pundits, politicians, and public intellectuals alike find themselves living in his radiant light and quoting...

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