Wilder Night Celebrates Activism
Photo by Kellianne Doyle, Staff photographer
Students flocked to Wilder Hall Wednesday evening to participate in Wilder Night, a conglomerate event comprised of numerous activities spread throughout the building’s three floors. Several of these activities were aimed at promoting sexual health, including free STI and HIV testing and interactive consent workshops. Among the many events, Oberlin Students United for Reproductive Freedom held a drive for menstrual products to donate to women’s and homeless shelters, where sanitary products are much needed and seldom donated. SURF will continue the drive in Mudd Library this week. Students also wrote letters to currently incarcerated LGBTQ individuals through the organization Black & Pink, and called political representatives in support of progressive causes. Student volunteers also gave free haircuts for several hours as part of the Resource Conservation Team’s Hair Recycling event, which will donate the hair to help clean up oil spills. Less activism-oriented activities ranged from sampling essential oils and making lotions to participating in board games and tarot card readings.
April 21, 2017