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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Security Notebook

July 30, 2021

Saturday, July 24, 2021 6:13 p.m. A resident of Kahn Hall reported a possible recluse spider in their room. Facilities Operations were contacted and the student was moved to a different room until their...

College Administers Student Life Assessment Amid Division’s Leadership Losses

Gigi Ewing and Kushagra Kar July 23, 2021

The College is conducting an assessment to evaluate the structure of the Division of Student Life, which oversees 12 departments including the Counseling Center, Student Health Services, Residential Education...

City residents met on July 14 to discuss how to use the facilities which once held Prospect Elementary. Students will be moved to a new elementary school near the high school next fall.

City Seeks to Use Former Prospect School Building for Community Space

Casey Troost July 23, 2021

On July 14, City officials met with faculty members, parents, and recreation department staff to envision how the newly decommissioned Prospect Elementary School building might be turned into a multi-purpose...

Kendal at Oberlin reduced its COVID-19 health restrictions at the beginning of July amid widespread vaccination at the facility.

Kendal Lifts COVID-19 Restrictions Amid Low Cases

Nina Auslander-Padgham, Writer July 23, 2021

After weeks of declining cases countywide, residents of Kendal at Oberlin relaxed most of their COVID-19 restrictions on July 2. Residents can now move around the main building without masks, vaccinated...

Delta Variant Begins To Sweep Nation, Local Health Leaders Remain Optimistic

Ella Moxley, News Editor July 23, 2021

Despite the significantly more contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 spreading across the United States, Lorain County currently has no detected Delta cases but has experienced an uptick in COVID-19 cases....

Students are preparing for study away during the fall 2021 semester despite uncertainty created by COVID-19 and administrative turnover.

Study Away Director Michael Rainaldi Transitions Away from Oberlin

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief July 23, 2021

Director of International Programs and Study Away Michael Rainaldi is leaving Oberlin effective today to take a position at the School for International Training as a Regional Manager for Student Health,...

Security Notebook

July 23, 2021

Thursday, July 1, 2021 3:48 p.m. A student reported the theft of their bicycle from the bike rack on the west side of Langston Hall on June 27, 2021. The bike is a men’s Trek Cruiser Classic with...

Motorcyclists for Trump arrived at the rally with a large “Trump Unity” sign.

Trump Rally Draws Thousands to Lorain County Fairgrounds; Supporters Thrilled at Former President’s Return

Gigi Ewing and Ella Moxley July 2, 2021

After a six-month break from hosting public rallies since the Jan. 6 insurrection, former president Donald Trump returned for his first post-presidential rally at the Lorain County Fairgrounds last...

Oberlin will outsource health services to University Hospitals starting on July 19.

College Outsources Student Health Services, Leaving Staff in Limbo

Ella Moxley, News Editor July 2, 2021

The College will begin outsourcing Student Health Services to University Hospitals Health System starting July 19. Most staff will have the chance to reapply for their jobs through UH, but Medical Director...

Oberlin entered a four-year partnership with the JED Campus Program to increase the accessibility of mental health resources on campus. As the College enters its third year of the program, most of the recommendations have yet to be implemented due to COVID-19 and the One Oberlin restructuring.

Progress in JED Mental Health Program Unclear as College Approaches Final Year of Process

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor July 2, 2021

Editor’s note: This article contains mention of suicidal ideation. Three years into the College’s partnership with the JED Campus program, which provided the College with recommendations to improve...

Donica Thomas Varner

Off the Cuff with Donica Thomas Varner, Former Vice President, General Counsel, & Secretary

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief July 2, 2021

Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary Donica Thomas Varner has worked at Oberlin for four years managing a variety of the College’s legal needs. Varner has helped the Board of Trustees and senior...

Security Notebook

July 2, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021  4:56 p.m. Facilities staff reported damage to a service garage in the Service Building’s south parking lot. The door appeared to have been struck by a vehicle.    Friday,...

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