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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Donald Trump at a rally last year in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

First Post-Presidency Trump Rally Will be Held in Lorain County

Walter Thomas-Patterson, Conservatory Editor June 25, 2021

This coming Saturday, Former President Donald Trump will hold his first rally post-presidency in the parking lot of the Lorain County Fairgrounds, a 15 minute drive from Oberlin. The rally is a part of...

COVID-19, Three-Semester System Create Extra Demands for Faculty

COVID-19, Three-Semester System Create Extra Demands for Faculty

Kushagra Kar, Editor-in-Chief June 25, 2021

In the last year and a half, Oberlin professors have reassessed syllabi, adapted to the hybrid mode of teaching, experimented with different assignments and grading formats, and adjusted to a reformatted...

Sahgar Gupta

Off the Cuff With Sahgar Gupta, Chair of the Oberlin College Student Progressive Project

Ella Moxley, News Editor June 25, 2021

College second-year Sahgar Gupta is the co-chair of the Oberlin College Student Progressive Project. Gupta sat down with us to discuss why the organization changed its name — it was previously called...

Community members and students gather around the Cofield’s food truck.

Juneteenth 2021 Brings More Food Trucks to Oberlin, City Council and OCIC Arrange for Them to Stay

Casey Troost and Aaron Morales Dolich June 25, 2021

After six years of heavily regulating food trucks within city limits, Oberlin City Council passed changes to food truck regulations this Monday. Since 2015, food trucks have not been allowed to operate...

The Oberlin Gasholder Building, constructed in 1889 to store coal gas, will house the Underground Railroad museum.

Oberlin Community Celebrates Juneteenth; Recalls Histories of Freedom

Sander Ferrazza June 25, 2021

Last weekend Oberlin community members and College students gathered together to celebrate Juneteenth in and around Tappan Square, where they enjoyed food trucks, music, and a parade. The event followed...

Security Notebook

June 25, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:58 p.m. A Campus Safety officer responded to a report of smoldering mulch at the Woodland Street entrance to the Science Center. The officer, along with a maintenance technician, poured...

Students celebrate Juneteenth at ABUSUA’s Juneteenth Block Party with games, food, and live music.

ABUSUA Organizes Block Party for First On-Campus Juneteenth Celebration

Juanita Alabi and Ella Moxley June 18, 2021

ABUSUA, Oberlin’s Black Student Union, and the College’s Juneteenth committee will be hosting Oberlin’s first Juneteenth Celebration in the form of a block party this evening from 3–7 p.m. in Wilder...

The Morgan Street Reservoirs at the Arb will be remodeled this fall to avoid potential flooding of local neighborhoods and add features such as walkways and observation areas.

City Council Moves to Restructure Morgan Street Reservoirs; Develop Wetland

Kush Bulmer, News Editor June 18, 2021

The two reservoirs on Morgan Street — colloquially known as the Arb, after the Oberlin College Arboretum to which they are directly adjacent — will be remodelled to meet state regulations. Following...

Security Report

June 18, 2021

Saturday, June 12, 2021 7:40 a.m. A Campus Safety officer on patrol observed several prohibited items in plain view on the porch of a Village Housing Unit on North Professor Street. A glass bong with...

Over the last few weeks, several high-profile staff members in the division of Student Life have announced their resignation, including Assistant Vice President of Student Life Adrian Bautista.

Bautista Becomes Fourth Student Life Dean to Leave Oberlin in Two Months

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief June 11, 2021

Assistant Vice President of Student Life Adrian Bautista is leaving Oberlin on July 16 for a position at Skidmore College, making him the fourth dean in the Division of Student Life to leave in the past...

More than 800 predominantly second-year and third-year students are currently attending in-person summer classes on Oberlin’s campus.

Oberlin Admissions, Enrollment Strong Despite COVID-19 Uncertainty

Ella Moxley, News Editor June 11, 2021

The pandemic impacted colleges’ admissions strategies across the country, with more and more college students taking leave and high school seniors opting for a gap year. However, for Oberlin, both enrollment...

This week the College redistributed many of the items left on campus during the rushed move-out in spring of 2020.

College Gives Away Student Belongings

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor June 11, 2021

After a 10-month process of returning the belongings students left on campus in March 2020, the College opened access to students and community members to take unclaimed items on Wednesday. The College...

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