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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Harris will be stepping into the role of OSCA board chair.

Off the Cuff with Miranda Harris, Incoming OSCA Board Chair

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor May 28, 2021

College third-year Miranda Harris will be stepping into the role of OSCA board chair as the nonprofit officially reopens this fall. After three semesters of absence from the campus community and a brand-new...

Katherine Macphail

Review Editor-in-Chief, Katherine MacPhail, OC ’21, Talks Running a Newspaper in a Pandemic

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief May 15, 2021

College fourth-year Katherine MacPhail has served as the Review’s Editor-in-Chief since fall 2019. MacPhail began working as a production editor for the Review in fall of 2018 and then worked as Arts...

Kate Fishman, OC '21, Managing Editor

Kate Fishman, OC ’21, Managing Editor

Nico Vickers, Managing Editor May 15, 2021

Kate Fishman was the Review’s Managing Editor beginning with our summer 2020 publication cycle to the end of the spring 2021 semester. As future managing editor, I interviewed Fishman about herself and...

Class of 2021 Production Staff

Class of 2021 Production Staff

May 15, 2021

We are so lucky to have had so many amazing seniors on Production staff this year! Click below to hear from all of them.

Mallika Pandey, OC '21, Photo Editor

Mallika Pandey, OC ’21, Photo Editor

Kushagra Kar, Editor-in-Chief May 15, 2021

College fourth-year Mallika Pandey, a Anthropology major, has served as The Oberlin Review’s photo editor since 2018. Photo Editors are responsible for taking pictures and creating graphics for the paper. This...

Professors from Geology, Psychology, and Computer Science participated in Departmental Action and Reflection Teams this year to promote inclusive excellence in STEM.

Geology, Computer Science, Psychology Departments Engage in Year-Long Process to Promote Inclusivity

Katherine MacPhail and Anisa Curry Vietze April 30, 2021

Over the past year, the Geology, Computer Science, and Psychology departments have all engaged in Departmental Action and Reflection Teams, aimed at strengthening inclusivity in Oberlin’s STEM departments....

Professor of Religion and Nancy Schrom Dye Chair of Middle East and North African Studies Mohammad Jafar Mahallati.

Religion Professor Accused of Anti-Semitic, Anti-Baha’i Sentiment

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor April 30, 2021

Last October, an Oberlin faculty member denied allegations that he helped cover up Iran’s mass killing of political prisoners in 1988 when he served as Iran’s ambassador to the U.N. In the months since,...

The Ramadan fridge in Decafé is often stocked with applesauce, Pepsi, and other soft drinks.

Students Disappointed by Insufficient Ramadan Offerings

Kushagra Kar, Editor-in-Chief April 30, 2021

Despite promising to accommodate the needs of fasting students during the month of Ramadan, some students feel AVI Foodsystems’ offerings have fallen short. While AVI hoped to serve expanded food options...

The Office of Residential Education will have five days to prepare the dorms for students moving in for the summer semester.

Short Turnaround Between Spring, Summer Semesters Causes Stress for Students

Ella Moxley, News Editor April 30, 2021

Oberlin third- and fourth-year students are scrambling to navigate the quick turnaround time between moving out at the end of the spring semester and, for those who aren’t graduating, moving into new...

Security Notebook

April 30, 2021

Thursday, April 22, 2021 8:27 a.m. A staff member reported damage to their vehicle while parked in the Finney Chapel lot. The damage was to the driver’s side rear corner and the driver’s side passenger...

Weekly COVID-19 Update

April 30, 2021

Lorain County Updates Lorain County reported 161 cases and 8 hospitalizations from April 23 to April 29, marking a decline from 220 cases the previous week. The reduction in cases is welcome news for...

The solar field, installed in 2012, provides 12 percent of Oberlin’s electricity. This summer, Oberlin will begin a four-year infrastructure project to develop a geothermal energy system, adding another carbon-free energy source.

College Will Invest in Geothermal Energy to Meet 2025 Carbon Neutrality Goal

Jenny Rowlett, Writer April 28, 2021

This summer the College will begin a four-year infrastructure modernization project to reach its 2025 carbon neutrality goal. The project was announced in an April 19 email from President Carmen Twillie...

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