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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Security Notebook

November 2, 2018

Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018 2:45 p.m. College staff reported that two posters were cut in half in the Bent Corridor of the Science Center. Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 7:02 a.m. Custodial staff reported graffiti...

Leadercast Conference Highlights Female Entrepreneurs

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief November 2, 2018

The Oberlin Business Partnership, in collaboration with the Office of Innovation and Impact, sponsored the second annual Leadercast Women’s conference this week at the New Russia Township Lodge. The...

John Miraldi, a judicial candidate, speaks with a community member at Community Candidates Night.

Local Candidates Meet with Oberlin Voters

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief October 12, 2018

Ten local candidates answered questions from community members at Community Candidate Night on Tuesday, Oct. 2. The event was organized by Oberlin’s League of Women Voters chapter, and encouraged...

Students occupy Senator Rob Portman’s office to prostest against the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Students Rally Against Kavanaugh

Gabby Greene, News Editor October 12, 2018

Editor’s Note: This article contains mention of sexual assault. Oberlin students rallied in Cleveland in a series of protests against the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United...

Oberlin Prepares for Re-accreditation

Amber Scherer October 12, 2018

Oberlin College and Conservatory will be evaluated for re-accreditation on Oct. 15 and 16 to determine if the education provided by the College meets both internal goals and quality levels set...

Karen G. Fleming

Off The Cuff: Karen G. Fleming, Professor

Gabby Greene, News editor October 12, 2018

Karen G. Fleming is a Biophysics Professor at Johns Hopkins University. She frequently speaks at universities across the nation about fostering a more supportive environment for women and people...

Local Scholarship Honors Founder Ruby N. Jones

Jenna Gyimesi, News Editor October 12, 2018

The Oberlin Community Youth Scholarship Fund recently changed its name to the Ruby N. Jones Community Scholarship Fund to honor its founder, who passed away in January of this year. The scholarship...

College senior Le’Priya White participates in Call Your Rep Day, an UndocuWeek event meant to encourage local representatives to adopt policies supportive of undocumented immigrants.

UndocuWeek Promotes Awareness

Roman Broszkowski, Senior Staff Writer October 12, 2018

UndocuWeek strives to raise awareness and increase community engagement with issues faced by undocumented students. The Multicultural Resource Center and Obies for Undocumented Inclusion have sponsored...

Library Renaming Caps Inauguration

Library Renaming Caps Inauguration

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief October 12, 2018

Mudd’s main library center has been renamed to honor renowned feminist and civil rights activist Mary Church Terrell, OC 1884. Terrell was a founding member of the National Association of Colored...

Security Notebook

October 12, 2018

Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018 3:17 a.m. Campus Safety officers were requested to assist an intoxicated student at a Goldsmith Village Housing Unit. The student was transported to the Mercy Allen Hospital...

President Carmen Twille Ambar who was recently inaugurated as the 15th President of Oberlin College.

“Boldness. Tradition. Vision.”

Jenna Gyimesi, News Editor October 5, 2018

Carmen Twillie Ambar was inaugurated as the 15th president of Oberlin College in a historic moment today. The weekend’s inauguration events are spread out over three days are inspired by themes...

Johnnetta Cole

Johnnetta Cole, OC ’57

Jenna Gyimesi and Kameron Dunbar October 5, 2018

Oberlin alumna Johnnetta Cole, ’57, delivered the opening remarks at the Inauguration Ceremony of President Carmen Twillie Ambar earlier today. Cole was the first female African-American president...

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