With just over a minute left on the clock and a safe 16-point lead over the Los Angeles Lakers on Tuesday night, the Oklahoma City Thunder’s Billy Donovan pulled his starters. But as Paul George,...
Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor
• April 5, 2019
Oberlin athletes are known for their passion and dedication to the sports they love — and that doesn’t end when school is out of session. The Yeomen and Yeowomen traveled all over the country...
A native of New York City, College first-year Clare Tiedemann came to Oberlin with a plethora of interests. She sings, dances, plays piano and guitar, is interested in wildlife and environmental...
Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor
• March 15, 2019
Last weekend, Oberlin student-athletes and coaches were invited to the first Leadership Symposium sponsored by the Oberlin Heisman Club, titled “Leveraging the Leader in You.” On Friday, Saturday,...
As small puddles accumulated on Dill Field's bleachers from a brief rainstorm Saturday, the Oberlin College baseball team began its season with a double-header against the Capital University Crusaders. Despite...
College senior Olivia Canning has her hands full. As a starter on the Oberlin women’s basketball team, a Psychology and Sociology major and Anthropology minor, and an active member of various...
If you’re in search of a hero during Women’s History Month, look no further than Megan Rapinoe. As one of the most important players on the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, Rapinoe played...
As a child, College senior and former men’s soccer player Daniel Tuzzolino wanted to be a cowboy. In his last semester at Oberlin, he convinced his housemate and then-teammate Trenton Bulucea...
For the past few years, Oberlin track and field stars like Lilah Drafts-Johnson, Ana Richardson, and Monique Newton — all OC ’18 — have been household names in the Oberlin athletic community....
As she runs out to Bailey Field, ready for that day’s practice, College senior and women’s lacrosse player Sabrina Deleonibus exudes the confidence of a veteran, but on the inside she’s filled...
ESPN’s annual World Fame 100 List, a definitive compilation of the world’s most famous athletes, determines its order through criteria like social media followers, yearly net-worth, and Google...
Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor
• March 8, 2019
College sophomore and Oberlin native Claudia Olaes is well known around campus. During her spring semester last year, she decided to take time off from Oberlin in order to run for state representative...