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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Weekly COVID-19 Update

October 22, 2021

Oberlin College Updates On Monday, the College announced that the outdoor mask mandate and restrictions on indoor dining had been lifted after a successful first two weeks of classes. Between Sept....

Security Notebook

October 22, 2021

Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021 12:40 a.m. Campus Safety Officers were requested to assist a student ill from alcohol consumption at East Hall. Officers spoke with the student, who was able to answer all questions...

Activists are planning to protest the College’s decision to keep Professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati on faculty after his alleged involvement in massacres carried out by the Iranian government in the 1980s. The protest will take place on Nov. 2 at Cox Administration Building.

College Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing in Mahallati Investigation

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor October 15, 2021

The College has concluded its investigation into allegations that an Oberlin Religion professor made antisemitic and anti-Baha’i statements and aided the Iranian government in covering up the mass killing...

4.	Oberlin City Schools recently unveiled the new Oberlin Elementary School, which opened at the start of this academic year to all elementary-aged students in the city.

Oberlin City Schools Unveil New Elementary School, Green Updates

Walter Thomas-Patterson, Conservatory Editor October 15, 2021

The newly completed Oberlin Elementary School, which cost $17.8 million, was unveiled in a ceremony on Sep. 12 as students fully returned to in-person classes. The opening marks the completion of the first...

The City of Oberlin recently received over $400 thousand from the American Rescue Plan Act to implement COVID-19 relief programs and improve city infrastructure.

American Rescue Plan Act Funds Community Improvement

Kush Bulmer, News Editor October 15, 2021

Oberlin City Council has begun discussions on how best to allocate the first tranche of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act, which President Joe Biden signed into law on March 11 to assist the nation’s...

In spring 2020, Oberlin ended recycling for many common items in order to accommodate social distancing measures for sanitation workers.

Opt-in Policy, Recycling Pledge Now Part of Oberlin City Recycling

Eric Schank, Production Editor & Senior Staff Writer October 15, 2021

In March 2020, the City of Oberlin suspended recycling collection services due to COVID-19, but resumed collection on an opt-in basis on Nov. 9, 2020. The new program dramatically decreases the scope of...

Oberlin Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Oberlin Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Kush Bulmer, News Editor October 15, 2021

Oberlin residents and students gathered and held signs in Tappan Square to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day this Monday. In 2017, the City of Oberlin formally recognized the second Monday of October,...

Joshua D. Angrist

Off the Cuff with Nobel Laureate Joshua Angrist

Ella Moxley, News Editor October 15, 2021

On Monday, Joshua D. Angrist, OC ’82, was named a winner of the 2021 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, better known as the Nobel Prize in Economics. Angrist was...

Security Notebook

October 15, 2021

Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021 1:18 p.m. A student reported their bicycle missing as of sometime in May 2021. The bike is a gray Cannondale with green lettering, unregistered and of unknown value. 9:40 p.m....

Aniella Day

Off the Cuff with Aniella Day, Abortion Doula

Ella Moxley and Kush Bulmer October 8, 2021

College fourth-year Aniella Day is part of the Leadership Circle of the Oberlin Doula Collective. The Collective started in 2017 as a volunteer organization where students support people receiving...

Last week Judge John Miraldi unsealed Allyn Gibson Jr.’s Facebook posts, which had been kept confidential during the initial litigation.

Judge Unseals Facebook Posts in Gibson’s Case

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief October 8, 2021

Four years ago, Gibson’s Bakery sued the College for defamation after College employees were allegedly seen distributing fliers at a student protest of the business. Last week, on Sept. 30, Judge...

Helen Hastings, who was killed in Texas in January, was a first-year student and prospective neuroscience major.

Student Helen Hastings Killed in Gun Accident

Gigi Ewing and Ella Moxley October 8, 2021

Editor’s note: This article contains mention of gun violence and death. In January, the Oberlin community learned of College first-year Helen Hastings’ sudden death. Now, after gaining traction...

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